You need to submit an Income Tax return (for 2023/24) if HMRC send you a Tax Return to complete or, if you know that you have income tax or capital gains tax to pay.

However, HMRC have a list of further circumstances where a Tax Return should be prepared, including:

Your income from self-employment exceeded £1,000;

You are a Partner in a business partnership;

You received over £2,500 in rental income.  If it was between £1,000 and £2,500 you should contact HMRC;

You received more than £2,500 in other income such as tips or commission;

You received £10,000 or more before tax from savings/investments;

You made Capital Gains in excess of £6,000;

You have received dividends in excess of £10,000;

Your taxable income exceeds £50,000 and you, or your partner, receive Child Benefit;

Your taxable income exceeds £150,000.

Let AMS advise you and prepare your Tax Return