National Insurance – the forgotten tax

National Insurance (NI) is one of the most important, overlooked, taxes for most working people. In context, for an employee earning between £12,500 and £50,000 per year, for every extra £1 they receive in net pay, the Treasury receives 67.35p (29.41p in Income Tax...

The Budget

Back on 11th March 2020, we had Rishi Sunak’s first budget. The tax changes were soon overshadowed by the Coronavirus pandemic and the Government measures used to support employees and businesses. Below i have explained some of these tax changes: Delay of IR35 in the...

How does paying dividends reduce my Company’s tax bill?

It doesn’t.  A Company pays Corporation Tax on its profits before dividends are paid out.  Consequently, shareholders are treated as having already paid tax on their dividends (called a ‘tax credit’). A shareholder who is paying Higher Rate Tax will have the dividends...

Changing from a sole trader to a Limited Company

Transferring from a sole-trader or partnership, to a Limited Company is sometimes recommended by accountants for tax planning reasons or to benefit from Limited Liability and they will consider the following issues. When: Work out which side of a tax year end to...

How much can I earn before paying income tax?

Every person who is resident in the UK is given a personal allowance each tax year. It operates as follows: The personal allowance is the amount of income you can receive before paying tax – and it generally increases each tax year.  For the 2019/20 tax year, it is...